Visa Information

Invitation Letters for Visa Application

An invitation letter will be provided upon request, via email, to participants who have fully registered for the conference and completed the payment. Please email the HPSR 2013 Secretariat at for an invitation letter or for more visa information.

Visa-Exempt Entry

Visa-exempt entry for 90 days

permitted for visitors from the following countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. , U.S.A. and Vatican City State.

Visa-exempt entry for 30 days

permitted for visitors from the following countries:

  1. Australia, Malaysia, Singapore.
  2. The nationals of India, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, who also possess a valid visa or permanent residence certificate issued by U.S.A., Canada, Japan, U.K., Schengen Convention countries, Australia or New Zealand are eligible for the visa exemption program, which permits a duration of stay up to 30 days. Those who meet the above qualification and have never been employed in Taiwan as blue-collar workers, have to apply to the “Advance Online Registration System for the Visitors of Nationals from Five Southeast Asian Countries to Taiwan” of the R.O.C. National Immigration Agency (website: for an “Authorization Certificate” before coming to Taiwan. After completion, the printed-out Certificate can be used by the foreign visitor for boarding the airplane and the immigration inspection. During the immigration inspection, foreign visitors who can not show a valid visa or permanent resident certificate issued by one of the aforementioned countries will not be admitted into the R.O.C. (In case a single-entry visa issued by any of the said countries has already been used, it is invalid.)

Requirements for visa-exempt entry

  1. A passport with validity of at least six months upon entry.
    • Visa-exempt entry only applies to foreign visitors holding formal passports (i.e. ordinary, official/service and diplomatic passports), not including those holding emergency, temporary, other informal passports or travel documents.
    • Japanese passport holders with their passports valid for more than 3 months are eligible for visa-exempt entry.
  2. A confirmed return air/sea ticket or an air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure.
  3. Non-criminal record and not prohibited by the local authorities to enter the R.O.C.

Landing Visa

  1. Holders of Bruneian Passport with validity of more than six months. (Effective from January 1, 2013)
  2. Holders of emergency or temporary passports with validity more than six months for nationals of those countries eligible for visa-exempt entry.
  3. Holders of USA passport with validity less than six months.

Requirements for landing visa

  1. A confirmed return air/sea ticket or an air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure.
  2. Fill out an application form with two photos.
  3. Visa fee of US$53 (NT$1,600) (citizens of countries with reciprocal agreements shall be issued visas gratis) plus a handling fee of US$27 (NT$800); For U.S. citizens: Passengers shall apply for a visa at ROC Overseas Missions and be charged US$160 (NT$4,800). Passengers who apply for visas upon arrival at the ports of entry in the ROC shall be charged US$160 (NT$4,800) plus an additional fee of US$24(NT$800). A single entry visa of which duration of stay is no more than 30 days may be granted.
  4. No criminal record or not prohibited by the local authorities.

Visitor Visa for Attending Conference

Citizens of other countries should apply for a visa before traveling to Taiwan.

Required documents for visitor visa applications

The following documents may be needed for visitor visa applications.

  Requirements Description
1 Completed and signed application form Please access the website: to fill out application form online and print it out.
2 Two passport-size photos in color within 6 months Photos with a white color background
3 Passport (original and photocopy) Valid for 6 months with blank pages
4 Evidence of documents Invitation Letter or proof of exhibition & applicant's ID
5 Other additional documents may be required during processing Ticket, electronic ticket or proof of a travel agency


Applicants can lodge their applications with the necessary documents and statutory fee at our overseas missions. Interview may be required when necessary.


  1. For foreign nationals from the countries with which the ROC has entered into reciprocal visa agreements, the visa is issued gratis.
  2. For other foreign nationals, passport holders of all countries except U.S. the visa fees are: single entry: NT$1,600 (US$50); multiple entries: NT$3,200 (US$100).
  3. NT$4,200 (US$140), for U.S. passport holders


Visas are issued as stipulated by Article 12 of the Statute Governing Issuance of ROC Visas for Foreign Passports. As a sovereign nation, the ROC has the right to refuse applications for visas without providing any explanation for such decisions; visa application fee is not refundable

The above regulations are based on the diplomatic principles of equality and reciprocity. Kindly note that the above information is subject to change, and will be updated if necessary. For more information, please check the website in English or Chinese.

Visa Application Instructions for Mainland Chinese




  1. 入台證申請書(請務必寫上繁體中文姓名,並於申請人簽章欄親自簽名或蓋章。)
    1. 照片:最近1年內2吋半身正面脫帽照片(直4.5公分,橫3.5公分,人像自頭頂至下顎之長度不得小於3.2公分或超過 3.6公分,白色背景正面半身彩色照片),應與所持大陸地區居民身分證、往來臺灣通行證或護照能辨識為同一人。(請務必依照要求提供)
    2. 通行證、護照或居民身分證基本資料與照片同一頁者,影本貼於申請書正面。基本資料與照片不同頁者,有姓名之基本資料頁影本貼於申請書正面,照片頁影本貼於申請書背面。旅居香港或澳門尚未滿七年者,加貼港澳居民身分證影本於申請書背面。
    3. 非初次來臺者,請檢附大陸居民往來臺灣通行證影本或其他載有英文姓名之身分證明文件影本,如係初次來臺或未持有具英文姓名之身分證明文件,則務必於申請書上詳填正確英文姓名。
    4. 有關現(曾)任黨政軍之資料請據實填寫。
  2. 學經歷暨相關專業造詣證明
  3. 個人行程表
  4. 邀請函影本
  5. 證照費用:新臺幣600元
  6. 掛號回郵信封並填寫收件人及住址(郵寄入台證用)

        (National Chiao Tung University EC616, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, ROC)
    收件人:計畫助理 林幸蓉小姐

大陸來台人員的申請流程 (僅提供參考:相關申請事宜以貴單位規定為主)

  1. 務必先向貴學校及單位的國際合作處咨詢來台相關申請流程
  2. 收到入台許可證之前:務必先向貴單位申請來台手續(約1個月)
  3. 收到入台許可證之後:(約2個月)
    1. 將台灣的入台許可證批件(通知和複印件、邀請信)向大陸國台辦辦理批件
    2. 拿入台許可證批件和國台辦批件到省公安機關辦理出入境手續




上班時間:週一~四 08:30~17:30



(請向您個人居住地之我駐外使領館、代表處 、辦事處或其他外交部授權機構送件申請)
* 請直接從申請國或非大陸地區飛往台灣,不可從大陸出境